Wednesday, 30 June 2010

Snap Back to Reality

Well, here we are. The Real World. Life. Adult life.

We've had a lot of fun over the last 5 months and we all decided its about time we got down to some hard graft. Or, more to the point, we've run out of money and we have no choice. In my early efforts of employment I amused myself by attempting to secure a job advertised in the Sydney Morning Herald as: Waiter/Waitress needed. Lingerie cafe. I can only say I was greeted with indefensible sexism from the lady on the other end who, despite my protests, insisted I would not look good in lingerie. How could she tell?!

That is one thing I have noticed in Aus. Political correctness doesn't matter. No one cares. It's brilliant. The other day we watched as an afternoon soccer programme made very strong implictions that the Germany coach was a raving homosexual. Just today we sat around laughing at an advertisement where the punchline is a child being denied its favourite snack food to comedy effect. I cant do it justice. It's hilarious. I'm going to try and find the link...

We are currently watching the junk that is "20 to 1" a clip show archiving "great" TV moments. Either not much was going on before the world cup here, or this show has a very limiting budget. We did, however, just watch a man jump off a bungee only to continue straight into the water and not come back. I feel a little shaky.

On that note, I'm going to have to go and calm myself before bed. I hate real world bed times.

Steve x x

1 comment:

  1. That is great that you stopped by in Rosario city, Argentina!
