Friday, 18 June 2010

OOO!!! Look who has time on his hands!

hello, and welcome from Australia, Oz, Downunder, the outback, the other side of the world, that island which has our queen on their banks notes...
.....What ever you want to call it, we, for the next half a year will call it home!

Its been a great week, a rest week, exploring sydney (well exploring Sydney's shopping malls to find semi respectable attire) and surrounding suburbs. Mosman, the district of sydney we are very kindly being put up in by james' uncle and family, is great. We are a very modern family now indeed, 2 parents, 3 20 somethings ( thats us) 3 kinds- 6, 13 and 16- and a dog named riley.I have tried to adopt riley as the lady magnet, tho all i have got so far is..... well nothing.

We've watch the kids play football and basket ball, gone shopping for clothes and prepared meals. We really are all grown up.. and we have even started applying for jobs, some with more success than others!!

We've watched football at Darling harbour and been to the equivalent of soho, where nearly every bar was a (cover your ears mums) strip bar. We did NOT go in any, we found the most sophisticated bar on the strip sank a few beers and got a night bus outta there!

Our daily tasks include having breakfast, lazing around, looking for jobs, sending off cvs, checking emails again and again to see if we have had any replies. Then we eat, check the emails again, play computer games, then check again. And after all of that we are hungry again and worn out from checking our emails.. and facebook, and twitter and doing cool things to our blog (this thing). Our life, to be honest is tough.. really tough.. im not sure how we are gonna cope!

Talking of the blog, look at its new look.. very snazzy isnt it??... 'yes it is jonny' , 'why thank you, i did it all my self'
You can now easily add it to your feeds (RSS and atom and yahoo and google etc etc) so you never miss a thing. You can also search the site for anything easily too. Amazing isn't it? 'Yes it is....... ( blah, blah, blah...) and the back ground is now a bit globe. And no, i have not done what everyone is asking for.. i have not added any more photos, tho i will when i can (be bothered)

I really must go, i have to some work on my cv, or maybe just watch some world cup football.. sorry i mean soccer.

G'day mate, Throw another shrimp on the barbie and any more stereotypical things you want to think of

Good day to you.
jonny xx

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