Monday, 8 February 2010

A taste of paradise!

P2080205, originally uploaded by world travels 2010.

just a little sneak of a photo i took today in buzios. More to come when i can sort out some computer probs!

This place is paradise, and we have two more days of it!

jonny x

1 comment:

  1. Hi there!! I'm new to this, so not sure how its going to work. Buzios sounds fabulous!! It's so good to hear that you are having a great time. Rio's amazing, and obviously got into local 'culture'. I would not worry too much about being called 'gringos' that's what they call anyone blond, doubt that there is any malicious connotations. The Carnaval obviously was not quite ready for you, our bit of Surrey is so much quieter this week somehow! Take lots of care. Lots of love x3. Pamela
